Community conversations

Read the article for additional resources.

The tragedies in Texas, Buffalo, and now Tulsa impact all of us. In addition, we’ve had other senseless deaths right in our own community. Families and children – those we support and our own -  are scared, sad, and hurting. 

 Together with our partners at the Access Network, we hosted three open forums co-hosted by experts in mental health and child development.  They shared ways to discuss these difficult topics with kids and provided strategies to help everybody deal with the anxiety and uncertainty.

We are all working through this together and the community conversations helped us heal and realize we are not alone in our confusion, frustration, and anxiety.

 The following resources may be helpful to you:

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (link to external site)

Guía para los Padres para Ayudar a los Jóvenes después de un Tiroteo Recient (link to external site)

Tips for Talking with and Helping Children and Youth After a Traumatic Event (SAMHSA) (pdf)


August Trainings for ALL


Question. Persuade. Refer. Steps to save a life